
MacOS Kernel System Extension Fix

This instruction set will guide you through the process of enabling the KEXT extension type on an Intel Mac computer. Because this process requires access into the recovery mode of the Mac, it is difficult for IT to remotely help with this process.

The capabilities you will have while in the recovery mode have the potential to cause irreparable damage to your machine. Please ensure you follow the instructions to the letter to avoid this issue. If at any time, you feel as though you are in over your head, please book a time to come in and see me to resolve this issue.

The below video outlines the whole process. I highly recommend viewing the 3-minute video to ensure you know where to go and what to do as you will not have access to it while in recovery mode.



  1. Search for Self Service in magnifying glass beside Wi-Fi icon in the top menu bar.
  2. Find and install Kernel Extension Fix.
  3. Check name of your Mac drive and take note (DRIVENAME).
  4. Reboot into recovery mode by clicking Apple --> Restart. Once the screen goes black, press ⌘+R until you see an Apple logo or globe. If you hear beeping, you are depressing the keys too soon.
  5. Sign in as you at recovery screen.
  6. Choose Disk Utility.
  7. Choose your Mac drive (DRIVENAME) from the list on the left and choose Mount.
  8. Enter the password for your profile.
  9. Close Disk Utility when you can see the colored bar depicting the data breakdown of your Mac drive.
  10. Choose Terminal from Utilities dropdown in the top menu bar.
  11. Enter the following commands:
    cd /Volumes/ - change directory to storage root
    ls -al – Lists all volumes in directory.
    cd DRIVENAME\ HD/Library/okit/ - Changes directory to location of script
    ./ – Runs the script named
  12. Close terminal and restart back into OS.
  13. Open the Security Preferences via the prompt or manually open from System Preferences.
  14. Click the unlock button in the lower left and enter user password.
  15. Click Allow button and select Cisco, Audinate Pty Ltd, and Cisco Systems, Inc. and any other extensions not currently enabled.
  16. Click allow on any subsequent notifications from the top right corner of your screen if present.
  17. The Cisco AMP icon should now stop flashing if successful.


Some systems don't require the enabling of extensions that are described in steps 15 and 16. If you still have the flashing icon on your Cisco AMP icon after this fix or have other questions about it, please reply to your ticket and we can take a closer look at the issue.

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