
Basic Troubleshooting for Endnote 6 issues with Office 2013

Here are some troubleshooting steps to take if Endnote 6 is crashing.


These steps assume you are running Endnote 6 or 6.1 on a Windows 7 machine with Office 2013.


1. Before performing other steps, run a repair on Office, and on Endnote.

2. Recreate the normal.dotm (the normal template for Word). Go to C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates and rename the existing normal.dotm. When you start Word it should recreate the file.

3. Recover the Endnote library. Open Endnote, go to Tools, then select Recovery Library. The process will recover the library and append -saved to the end of the filename. Use this new library.

Escalation Path:

Endnote 6 is not supported for use with Office 2013, although their forums suggest it should work. There is no official escalation path other than upgrading.

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