
Touch Screen Device Cleaning Guidance & Shared Campus Device Safe Operation Procedure

The following information provides guidance in relation to cleaning touch screens, including for shared campus printers, photocopiers, room control devices, phones and / or tablet screens and has been reviewed by UBCO Health, Safety and Environment. 

Recommended Cleaning Supplies 

  • 70/30 alcohol based wipes can be periodically used to wipe down shared surfaces, such as electronic touch screens

IMPORTANT: Please AVOID the following as significant damage will occur to the touch screen surfaces: 

  • Spray disinfectants. 
  • Lysol or other antibacterial wipes other than 70%+ alcohol content. 
  • Use of pens, stylus or other objects to push on the screen.  

Procedure for Use of Shared Electronic Touch Screens (printer, photocopier, room control panel, etc.) 

Each department should address expectations in relation to the shared use of equipment within their space within their Safe Work Plan 

In general, the following should be observed:   

  • Please ensure no more than one person is using the device at a time, leaving 2 meters between users in the area at all times.
  • Please wear a mask while using the device in a shared space. 
  • Please use hand sanitizer pre & post use of the device 
  • If desired, the surface can be occasionally wiped down with a 70/30 alcohol-based wipe for use on electronics.  

Attached to this article is a PDF of a poster which can be printed and displayed above a shared printing device for information on safe cleaning procedures and shared use policies.

Advice on Infection Control Measures 

If you have any questions or require advice about Infection Control Measures at UBC Okanagan, please contact Health, Safety & Environment at 

Visit and for more information about UBC’s response to COVID-19, including frequently asked questions. 

Globally, our scientific knowledge surrounding COVID-19 is changing and expanding daily. This document is based on current scientific knowledge at the time of writing. 
Attached Files (1)
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