
Accessing a shared mailbox using the Outlook Web App (OWA)

Switching to a shared mailbox after logging into your own FASmail

  1. Open a web browser and go the following web address:
  2. Login to OWA with your CWL/EAD username and CWL password.

  3. Locate your account icon in the top right hand corner and click on it

  4. In the Open Other Mailbox window, type in the email address of the generic mailbox you wish to access and click Open.

  5. OWA will refresh and open the generic mailbox.


Accessing a generic mailbox directly through a web address.

  1. Open a web browser and type in one of the following web addresses:

Note: Always be sure to include "www" in the address as without this, the system cannot find the mailbox name

  1. Login to OWA with your CWL/EAD username and CWL password

  2. OWA will open directly into the generic mailbox.


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