
How to book departmental meeting rooms using Outlook

Follow these instructions to book departmental meeting rooms at the UBC Okanagan Campus using Outlook.


To book a meeting room for departmental use, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a new meeting.
  2. Enter the subject and start time/end time.
  3. Switch to scheduling assistant.
  4. Select a room.
  5. Find an available time.


  1. Create new meeting

    From the Inbox, select New Items > Meeting or in the Calendar, select New Meeting. You also can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Q to create a new meeting request.

    Select the desired start and end time. This can be changed after selecting a room depending on availability.
    Add Meeting

  2. Add attendees, subject, date and time

    In the TO field add the desired attendees (note you can indicate whether an attendee is REQUIRED or OPTIONAL from the Scheduling Assistant view)

    In the Subject field, enter a description of the meeting. For some rooms, anyone can see the meeting subject. Do not type anything in the Subject field that should not be displayed.

    Meeting Subject and Time


    Add a room to the meeting in one of the following ways:

    1. From the Appointment screen:

      1. Click on the Rooms button.
      2. Add the room name in the Search Bar at the top left corner, or type UBCO to see a list of all rooms on campus. Make sure the "More Columns" button is selected to see all details
      3. Select the room you would like (you can confirm the room availability in the Scheduling Assistant view.

      You can also find available rooms by using the "Advanced Find" and enter the building in the Office field. Example "EME" will show available rooms in the EME building.

    2. From the Scheduling Assistant - ADD ROOMS:

      1. Open the Scheduling Assistant view

      2. To book a specific room, click the Add Room button in the lower left corner and search for “UBCO” to filter the list to UBC Okanagan.

        Add meeting Room

        • UBC Okanagan rooms all begin with UBCO- followed by the building name. Ex: "UBCO-UNC ML Meeting Rooms"
        • For a list of all available departmental meeting rooms, use "UBCO ML Meeting Rooms" 

          Use the "Show a room list" drop-down to pick from a list of rooms.

    3. From the Scheduling Assistant - ROOM LIST:

      1. Select the required building from the room list to add all of the bookable meeting rooms to the Scheduling Assistant and to the meeting as a recipient.

        Room Finder

      2. The Suggested Times pane locates the best time for your meeting, which is defined as the time when most attendees are available. The best meeting time appears at the top of the pane. To select any one of the suggested times, click the time suggestion in the Suggested Times pane. 

      3. You can also manually select a time on the free/busy grid in the Schedule View.

When you're done setting up your meeting, switch back to the Appointment View and click Send.

You will receive a confirmation email with one of the following:

  1. Approved
  2. Tentative - A manual approval is required. Once approved, you will receive either a denied or approved email confirmation.
  3. Denied - The request is denied, and needs to be booked by phone or find an alternative time.

The confirmation email must be opened before it can be forwarded. To open the email, double-click to open in a separate window.

Note, your booking is not confirmed until you receive the approved email notification, and will also show up in the room availability calendar.

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