
This article is to provide information on managing FASmail continuity when UBC faculty retire and transition to emeritus status.

Before we discuss managing FASmail access for faculty retiring and transitioning to Professor Emeritus status we need to know, 'How does a UBC employee first obtain a FASmail ( account?'

When an employee is hired an employment appointment or staffing form is submitted by the new employee's department. The staffing form documents in detail the UBC employee's status at UBC ie, staff, faculty, student, department, full-time, part-time, ongoing, term contract, and the start and end date of their employment. Once the HRMS form is submitted and processed the information makes its way to the IT Services' onboarding/offboarding application, AccessUBC. AccessUBC is administrated by the UBC IT Services department in Vancouver. UBC Okanagan IT Services staff do have limited access and visibility to the AccessUBC system. The AccessUBC application creates and manages IT services such as EAD, FASmail, CWL accounts, access, and permissions. 

FASmail continuity is integral to an employee's Human Resource Management System (HRMS) appointment. If a UBC employee does not have an active HRMS appointment their FASmail account will not be active. 

When a Faculty member retires their HRMS faculty appointment has a termination date. At the termination date, the HRMS appointment ends. AccessUBC automatically 'turns off' services; the most apparent of these services being the FASmail email account. 

Until a new staffing appointment is entered into the HRMS system FASmail service will not be triggered to 'turn on', be activated.  Please note: Once the staffing form is submitted in the HRMS system it takes further time to be processed into the IT Services' AccessUBC system.

Because the emeritus status process does take time to evolve; to have the information submitted in the form of an emeritus status appointment in HRMS and AccessUBC the faculty member's faculty appointment in AccessUBC must be extended to cover over the time where no active appointment is actually in place in either HRMS or AccessUBC.


Important Note: Unlike most employee status' at UBC, emeritus status does not have an inherent FASmail account role. Administrators and supervisors will need to notify UBCO IT Services to activate their emeritus FASmail account access. When they know the appropriate paperwork has been submitted to HRMS and processed to AccessUBC submit a ticket @ and request IT manually provision their emeritus' email. Please provide a date that emeritus status would end. 


It is incumbent upon the department to take the responsibility of monitoring the continuity of their faculty/emeritus' email accounts. 

Submit a 'Leaving UBC' ticket.

Upon their retirement submit your faculty's 'Leaving UBC' ticket @ and request their FASmail access be extended for 8 months beyond their termination date. 




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