
AccessUBC Summary

Workday Changes

Please note that this information has not been updated with any changes that may happen once Workday goes live November 2020.  Please read THIS ARTICLE for the hiring process and IT Onboarding at UBCO post November 2020.

In order to simplify the creation of accounts and provisioning of services, a new system called AccessUBC has been put into place. Tightly integrated with HRMS, this system can track the past, current, and future employment status of employees.

In its initial phases, AccessUBC automates the creation of CWL, EAD, and FASmail accounts. It also handles the disabling of EAD and FASmail accounts. Future phases will expand upon this functionality.

Please note that when you are hiring student employees, it is very important that you use a slightly different process. Students already have an existing student CWL account that needs to be linked to their new employee ID. Please see  this article  which contains more information on how to handle the hiring process for student employees.

AccessUBC performs specific tasks [called a workflow ] when:

  • onboarding a new UBC employee [ joiner workflow ]
  • rehiring a previous UBC employee [ rejoiner workflow]
  • an employee transfers from one UBC department to another [ mover workflow]
  • an employee appointment is expiring in the near future [ leaver workflow]
  • an employee appointment is terminated [ leaver workflow]

AccessUBC automates only a portion of the processes that we all undertake as employees come and go at UBC. Tasks not explicitly mentioned in the workflows below must still be performed as they were prior to the AccessUBC workflow implementation.

Joiner workflow for new UBC employees

The joiner workflow for new employees initiates when a new employee record has been added to HRMS or earlyID, and that employee has a future appointment in the system. 

CWL Signup PINs

If you receive a CWL PIN, do not send it to the employee - the exception being student employees, which have a separate process that you can follow  here .

When this workflow is initiated:

  • A new CWL account will automatically be generated for the new employee.
  • AccessUBC will send an email to the new employee's personal email address, directing them to a web site where they must activate their CWL and complete their Simplified Sign Up process.

    It is recommended that you advise the new employee to watch for this email, as it may end up in their personal email junk/spam folder and the process cannot continue until they follow the instructions contained within it.  Language similar to: "You will soon receive a CWL activation email. Please watch for it and activate your CWL as soon as possible to gain access to IT services at UBC."

  • All automated processes are then on hold until the new employee completes the Simplified Sign Up process.
  • The new employee completes the Simplified Sign Up process, during which they select their email address.
  • AccessUBC will activate the employee's CWL account and provision their email address. At this point, the new employee has access to FASmail, EAD, and CWL.
  • AccessUBC then sends an email containing the employee's CWL ID and their email address to the manager on record for the new employee, and that department's AccessUBC mailing list.

The department must still perform the following tasks using existing in-place processes [such as submitting a New to UBC  ticket through the ITServices Helpdesk ]:

  • request the employee's eDirectory [Netware] account be enabled
  • request access to shared drives and folders
  • request access to restricted to restricted or colour printers
  • request access to additional mailboxes
  • request any changes to the UBC directory
  • request any IT equipment
  • request any changes to phones
  • request any special access granted to the employee's CWL account [HRMS, FMS, SISC, etc]

Rejoiner workflow for previous UBC employees

The rejoiner workflow for existing employees initiates when a previous employee accepts an offer to return to UBC and their HRMS record is updated to reflect their new appointment [regardless of how far out the start date might be].

When this workflow is initiated:

  • AccessUBC will automatically enable the employee's FASmail email account, and their EAD account.
  • AccessUBC will email the employee a rejoiner confirmation to let them know their services have been reactivated.
  • AccessUBC will email the manager on record in HRMS for that employee, along with the employee's departmental AccessUBC mailing list, to let them know the employee's services have been reactivated.

The department must still perform the following tasks using existing in-place processes [such as submitting a  New to UBC  ticket through the  ITServices Helpdesk ]:

  • request the employee's eDirectory [Netware] account be enabled
  • request any changes to the UBC directory
  • request any IT equipment
  • request any changes to phones
  • request any special access granted to the employee's CWL account [HRMS, FMS, SISC, etc]

Mover workflow for existing employees

The mover workflow for existing employees initiates when an employee record is updated in HRMS with a new department ID.

When this workflow is initiated:

  • AccessUBC will automatically update it's own internal records to reflect the new department ID.
  • No outwardly visible changes will occur, and no services will be interrupted.

Both the outgoing and the incoming departments must still perform the following tasks using existing in-place processes [such as submitting a  Transfer In/Out  ticket through the  ITServices Helpdesk ]:

  • request the employee's eDirectory [Netware] account be disabled, or access to shared drives and folders be revoked
  • request any changes to the UBC directory
  • request any changes to IT equipment
  • request any changes to phones
  • revoke or grant any special access granted to the employee's CWL account [HRMS, FMS, SISC, etc] 

Leaver workflow for exiting employees

The leaver workflow initiates when:

  • an employee's appointment is 14 days from expiring and that employee has no future appointment in the system
  • an employee's appointment is terminated within HRMS

If an employee has a future appointment in HRMS, the leaver workflow will not initiate even if there is a gap between appointments.

When this workflow is initiated:

  • fourteen days before an employee's appointment is due to end, the manager on record for that employee and the employee's departmental AccessUBC mailing list will receive an email from AccessUBC notifying them of the upcoming appointment end date.
  • three days before an employee's appointment is due to end, a similar email will be sent to the same recipients.
  • once the appointment ends, AccessUBC automatically disabled the employee's EAD and FASmail email accounts.
  • a final notification email will be sent to the same recipients letting them know that services associated with the employee have been disabled.

If, at any time during this 14 day period, the existing appointment for the employee is extended or a new future appointment for the employee is entered into HRMS, the leaver workflow will be terminated, no changes to the employee's accounts will be made, and there will be no interruption to their services.

The department must still perform the following tasks using existing in-place processes [such as submitting a  Leaving UBC  ticket through the  ITServices Helpdesk ]:

  • request the employee's eDirectory [Netware] account be disabled
  • request any changes to the UBC directory
  • reclaim any IT equipment and notify ITServices of its location
  • request any changes to phones
  • revoke any special access granted to the employee's CWL account [HRMS, FMS, SISC, etc]
Short term extensions

FASmail and EAD accounts for an employee leaving UBC can be temporarily re-enabled for a short term by submitting a ticket to the ITServices Helpdesk .


Q.  Are UBC directory entries automatically updated when an employee leaves or changes positions?
A.  No.  This process is still manual.  Please submit a Leaving UBC ticket to the ITServices Helpdesk to have this done.

Q.  Is CWL management portal access [FMS/HRMS] disabled when an employee leaves or changes positions?
A.  No.  This process is still manual.  Please use your existing in-place process for these changes.

Q.  How are student employees handled?
A.   Student employees have an existing CWL account that must be linked to their employee record.  This requires a different process - read  this article  for more information.

Q.  What does the simplified sign-up look like?
A.  You can view a video demo of the simplified sign-up process here .

Q.   How is Professor Emeriti status granted via AccessUBC?
A.   Professor Emeriti status is initiated through HRMS.  If this status is not enabled upon employee retiring please request an extension in the Leaving UBC ITServices helpdesk form.

Q.   How does earlyID integrate with AccessUBC?
A.   A new entry in the earlyID system will trigger the AccessUBC Joiner workflow, the same as a new entry in HRMS.

Q.   How does eRecruit integrate with AccessUBC?
A.   [Answer pending].

  Q.   Can accounts be proactively extended before they are terminated if we know an employee will need their accounts beyond their end date?

A.   Yes and No.  ITServices can manually extend the FASmail mailbox activation in advance of appointment end date.  This ensures that there will not be any mail interruption.  However, due to current system design ITServices cannot enable the account used to access the mailbox itself.  This can only be enabled once the appointment has ended.

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