
ZOOM in a UBCO Large Classroom - Quick Start Guide

ZOOM in a UBCO Large Classroom – Quick Start Guide

Option One - Using the in-room PC to run a Zoom class in a Large Classroom:

(To see this information in video form, please visit "UBCO Hybrid in a Large Classroom using the Lectern PC"

  1. Turn on Projectors   (see images below)
  2. Prep your Presentation materials on the Lectern PC
  3. Log into Canvas and/or Zoom
  4. Assign the Lectern PC to the Projector  7 
  5. Select the yellow Camera/Hybrid Controls button in the lower left of the window  8 
  6. Press the Start button in the yellow Dual Delivery Mode window  9 
    1. The second monitor will now power up, for use with Zoom only. Materials showing on this monitor are unable to be shared on the projector.
  7. Share PowerPoint or other presentations from the Lectern PC by using the green Share Screen button in Zoom.
  8. To share content from the Document Camera or sources other than the Lectern PC:
    1. Click the green Share Screen button in Zoom -> GO TO ADVANCED TAB and select “Content from 2nd camera
    2. Choose the source you want to share in the Zoom call from among the options at the top of the control panel  10 
    3. Choose Send to All to have your selected content source be shared on the projectors as well as in the Zoom call.
    4. To control the classroom camera, use the buttons on the left side of the control panel  11 

Option Two - Using your Laptop to run a Zoom class in a Large Classroom

    1. Turn on projectors  
    2. Connect the HDMI cable or use AirMedia to display your laptop on the projector screen
    3. Connect the Room AV USB cable to your laptop
    4. Select the yellow Camera/Hybrid Controls button  8 
    5. Ensure that control panel says Camera is connected to the USB cable  12 ; if it says it is connected to the Lectern PC, hit the grey button to switch to the USB cable  12 
    6. To share a presentation from your laptop in the Zoom call:
      1. Click on green Share Screen button in Zoom, choose from among the options to share.
      2. Select “Share sound” and “Optimize for video” if your presentation includes videos.
    7. To share content from the room’s Document Camera in the Zoom call:
      1. Click the green Share Screen button in Zoom -> GO TO ADVANCED TAB and select “Content from 2nd camera”
      2. Choose the source you want to share in the Zoom call from among the options at the top of the control panel  10 
    8. Choose Send to All to have your selected content source be shared on the projectors as well as in the Zoom call.
    9. To control the classroom camera, use the buttons on the left side of the control panel  12 
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