
Microsoft Windows XP/7 upgrade project

As you may be aware, support from Microsoft for Windows XP1 has ended, and it will be ending for Windows 72 and Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R23 by January 14th, 2020.

To prevent vulnerability via security risks associated with the above, our team; Research Computing Services, is working on discovering the remaining hardware running versions of Microsoft Windows older than Windows 10 on the UBC Okanagan Campus.

Project Team:

Conor English

Brent Harder

Brandon Harder

Rob Hartmier

Jorden Harvey

If you could advise your research staff regarding this project, that would be extremely helpful. We understand that research and lab areas on this campus have sensitive equipment and information that must be respected and handled with due care. With this in mind, any of the members of this project team may ask for access to these areas to complete discovery and assessment – vital to prevent/mitigate future security risks associated with the end of support from Microsoft.

If you have hardware that you believe to be running Windows 7, XP, or in the unlikely event, Server 2008 R2 or older, please let us knows as soon as possible.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this project or the work it entails, please don’t hesitate to contact Project Manager Conor English via or the Research Computing Services team @





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