Windows 10 - End of Life

Windows 10 - End of Life - October 14, 2025

What do you need to know?

Windows 10, along with most other Microsoft products, follows a modern lifecycle policy. Specific to Windows 10, the lifecycle of support ends on October 14, 2025.

It's important to no longer be using Windows 10 by that date as no future security patches will be offered by Microsoft. Any devices that are running Windows 10 after October 14, 2025 will not meet UBC's Security Policies.

In special circumstances, exceptions can be made to allow specialized devices to continue to run Windows 10 but this will require a special (paid) extended support license. See Future Planning below for more information.

Fortunately, this gives us all plenty of time to look into budgeting/future planning to replace any gear that is not supported by Windows 11. The sections below will outline how you can identify if your device will be compatible or not. Additionally, IT will be doing targeted messages to devices that will not be supported by Windows 11.

What do you need to do?

CRP Provided Equipment

If you have a computer provided to you under the Computer Replacement Program (CRP) and your device is identified as being incompatible with Windows 11, please submit a  Service Now ticket to IT and we can review. With CRP lifecycle/replacement, your device will either already be compatible with Windows 11 or your device will be replaced with a Windows 11 compatible device. 

Department Purchased Equipment

If you have a computer purchased by your department, it's possible that it may not be compatible with Windows 11. Below under "Windows 11 Compatibility", you can find some quick/easy ways to determine if your device will be compatible or not. The recommendation is that if you have an older piece of equipment, you should consider budgeting for a replacement prior to October 2025.

Research Equipment

If you have a computer purchased using Research funds it's possible that it may not be compatible with Windows 11. Below under "Windows 11 Compatibility", you can find some quick/easy ways to determine if your device will be compatible or not. The recommendation is that if you have an older piece of equipment, you should consider budgeting for a replacement prior to October 2025.

If you are using a Win 10 research device to run instrumentation that will not be compatible with Win 11. Either due to the device itself, or the instrumentation hardware or software being incompatible. Please submit a ticket for Research Computing via Service Now and we can consult on these unique cases.

Windows 11 Compatibility

Not all devices are compatible with Windows 11. For devices purchased through IT, we will do targeted communications to those devices incompatible with Windows 11. If your device is not managed by IT, you can determine if your device is able to run Windows 11, by using the PC Health Check provided by Microsoft.

Additionally, Dell provides an updated list of devices they've tested that are known to work with Windows 11: Dell Computers Tested for Windows 11

For more technical details, see "Windows 11 Requirements" below.

Future Planning - Devices Unsupported by Windows 11

What are your options for devices that cannot run Windows 11?

Windows 11 Release Schedule - UBC

UBCIT Okanagan is installing Windows 11 by default on most new hardware purchased as of January 2023 onwards.

Windows 11 - In-Place Upgrades are currently scheduled to be enabled January 2024. This means you won't be able to upgrade your device yourself until that has been enabled.

Windows 11 Detailed Technical Requirements

With the release of Windows 11, there are some hardware requirements that need to be met in order to install the operating system.

Article ID: 1234
Created On: Wed, Feb 1, 2023 at 1:36 PM
Last Updated On: Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 10:21 AM
Authored by: Trevor Odlum

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